Are Stocks Taxed Differently Than Income?

According to Investor’s Business Daily, millennials are trading stocks far more frequently than those in Gen X or Gen Z. This is thanks mainly to brokerages no longer charging commissions and the accessibility to the market that trading apps provide.  While it's admirable to see younger people embracing their financial future, it does also open... Continue Reading →

How to Get in Shape on a Budget

The new year is a great time to commit yourself to a healthier lifestyle and shed a few unwanted pounds. However, the last thing you’ll want to do is pay to join a gym, visit it once or twice, and then never return.  According to the website, 67 percent of people make this exact... Continue Reading →

New Retirement Plan Limits for 2024

As they do each year, the IRS has once again announced the latest updates made to the contribution limits and rules across all retirement plans. Cost-of-living adjustments are fairly common and happen every one to two years due to inflation. This enables Americans to keep pace with the latest costs and how much they anticipate... Continue Reading →

How to Use the Debt Snowflake Method

You may already be familiar with some of the more popular debt payoff strategies like the debt snowball and debt avalanche method. But have you ever heard of the debt snowflake method? This isn’t just another cute name for what appears to be a winter-themed string of tools for eliminating your outstanding balances. Unlike the... Continue Reading →

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