Quicken vs Buxfer

See why Buxfer is the best alternative to Quicken

Thinking of switching away from Quicken? You have come to the right place. Thousands of users have happily made the switch to Buxfer and here's why.
Web Support
Works in a web browser and on your mobile device on the go.
Requires installation on a desktop computer.
First-class support for Rules, which let you precisely control when and how an automation is applied to your data.
Limited support for Rules
Access Control
Allows sharing access to your account with your family or accountant.
Not supported
Web Support
Works in a web browser and on your mobile device on the go.
Requires installation on a desktop computer.
First-class support for Rules, which let you precisely control when and how an automation is applied to your data.
Limited support for Rules
Access Control
Allows sharing access to your account with your family or accountant.
Not supported
  • Impossibly kludgy outdated interface. Each update brings new bugs introduced.
  • For at least the past 5–6 years Quicken has been piecemealed together, and this is what led them to where they are now.
  • I am a long time quicken user, but have grown increasing frustrated over the lack of improvements and constant issues with syncing. To be honest I had the subscription last year but rarely used cause of initial issues with syncing.
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